Driving access within the grounds of the Tibor Rubin VAMC-Long Beach has changed.  Certain roads are now ONE-WAY while certain gates are inaccessibe.  Please refer to map below and to the VA Website and Facebook Pages.

NOTE:  The east side North/South Road [called East Road] is still closed.  The West side North/South Road [called Pine Road] is open.  Please refer to the map below.

Due to the Coronavirus concerns, the Tibor Rubin VA-Long Beach is in shutdown mode.

This means veteran access is limited after a brief inspection to the doors of four buildings

[Bldgs 164; 126; 128, & 150] .

All veterans are asked to please call or email their PCP to get approval before driving in. 

Energency Room access is also limited through Building 164's front entrance.

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